Lakeview Beach Volleyball

Official Balls Used
2024 Beach Registration Information
2024 Beach Volleyball Dates and Details:
Beach Leagues typically start the last week of May this coming year with Youth on Tuesday, May 28th and adults on Thursday, May 30th. You will get 8 weeks of play and then one date for playoffs.​
We look forward to seeing you out on the beach this summer!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send them my way.
-Kari Cooley, League Director & Scheduler
Click HERE to be reminded when registration opens
You will determine your division based on the grade you will be entering in the fall. The team must play in the division of the highest grade on the roster. Any alternates throughout the summer cannot be in a grade higher than the one entered. (Ex. Roster of 7th, 8th and 10th grader must play in the 10th grade division). If you would like to play up a division simply sign up for it in the registration form. Boys divisions must sign up for a grade level higher than what they are entering due to the net height and play experience.
Many ask how many can play on a team; It is recommended that you only come to play with the number of players for your division. While you may have alternates to call when on vacation and whatnot, however only 3 (or 4 if quads) can play at a time. You may opt to play doubles as well. The other team does not have to play doubles if you do. Can you have more show up on a day, sure, this is only a recommendation.
Junior High and High School divisions are triples (3 players): 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Middle School divisions play quads (4 players- coed/boys is allowed): 6th and under
YOUTH Coed 4s! All teams will be mixed into one division, no matter the grades. Minimum of 1 girl on the court at all times. Note: You CANNOT play in the triples divisions AND 4s. Too many scheduling conflicts.
We ask that any person that graduates this year (2024) to play in our Adult Leagues on Thursday Nights.
You will determine your division based on your level of play. Divisions this summer will be upper or lower. If a division does not have enough registered, you may be contacted to move divisions accordingly or divisions will be combined. We offer men's doubles, women's doubles, co-ed double and co-ed 4's
Cost will include a "forfeit fee". Due to the amount of No Shows and day of cancellations, there will be an extra cost with registration. If your team does not forfeit DAY OF (through call or no show) you will receive your fee back at playoffs.
Coed 4s: $160 a team ($140 for team, $20 forfeit fee)
7th-12th Grade Divisions: $135 a team ($120 for team with a $15 forfeit fee;)
6th and Under Division: $160 a team ($140 a team with $20 forfeit fee).
There is no extra cost per alternates
$120 a team for a doubles (2s) team ($100 for team with a $20 forfeit fee)
$200 a team for quads (4s) ($160 a team with $40 forfeit fee).
Payments will need to be made on the first day of play. Cost to play may be lowered depending on the format of what we can do this summer.
Cash is preferred, however a check can be accepted made out to Kari Cooley.
Season Length -
Season will be 8 weeks of play with one additional week for playoffs.
Youth-​ Season will start Tuesday, May 28th with Playoffs on Tuesday, July 23rd.
Adult-​ Season will start Thursday, May 30th with Playoffs being Thursday, July 25th and August 1st (no games on July 4th)
All players 17 or younger must have a waiver signed by their parents.
18 and older sign the waiver for themselves.
If there are any questions or concerns about the league or registration please email the scheduler, Kari Cooley, at lakeviewbeachvolleyball@gmail.com