Lakeview Beach Volleyball

Official Balls Used
Registration is Open for the 2025 Summer
After reading the division definitions, click the registration button to register!
Click here to read about the differences of each division. Be sure to sign up for the correct division for your team makeup.
Battle of Put-in-Bay 2025
Friday, August 8th, 2025: Pre-Check in Party: 7:00pm-9:00pm; Location: Sand Bar at Adventure Bay
Saturday, August 9th, 2025: Grass 6s; Check-in: 8:00-9:00am, Start Time: 9:00am
Pre-register your team online using the online form to the right. You may then choose to mail in a check to the address listed below, pay online or pay at the pre-check in party. No money will be taken on Saturday of play!
Tournament shirts will be given to teams registered AND paid on/prior to July 26th. If registering more than 6 people, it will be $20 per each additional shirt.
If any division is full and has a waitlist on or after August 1st, paid waitlisted teams will receive the spot to play and the unpaid team will move to the waitlist.
To get your net assignment for Saturday, you will need to have at least one member present and the team paid for in full on Friday at the Pre-check in. The team waiver may be turned in Friday or Saturday, but ABSOLUTELY MUST be signed by all players and turned by Saturday morning before play begins!
All members of the team will need to sign
Any player under 18 must have this waiver signed by guardian prior to the tournament
Grass 6's: A, BB, B, C, "Rec"reational
*NEW* Grass 4's: Upper
We will be split between McCann Field and the HS Baseball diamond. Courts will be determined closer to the playing date once divisions get filled.
6s: $210 per Team No Refunds one week prior to event
4s: $160 per Team
If mailing in payments, make sure to put your name and division you are playing on the back of the envelope. Make checks payable to "LakeviewVB" and mail to:
LakeviewVB, 6388 Brighton Dr., North Olmsted OH 44070
Co-ed 4s grass; Minimum 1 women
Co-ed 6s grass; Minimum of 2 women on the court
USAV outdoor rules apply; There will NOT be a girl hit rule
*** However the "Rec" division is a beginners or "fun division" where the rules are relaxed. If your team is competitive to a point that you will be complaining about "setting hands" and "lifts" then you will need to register in the competitive divisions (C or higher)
In Upper 4s: Played on 6s courts and 6s rules with these exceptions:
Only service rotation required- not position; No open hands over or open hand dinks.
We will be shooting for 5 and 4 Team pools, that way all teams will have a standard of 8 games during pool play. If you should get in a 4 team pool, you will get 6 games of longer scoring. We hope to avoid 6 team pools, if possible.
You may not sign up and play for multiple teams.
Tournament Directors reserve the right to make any necessary roster changes due to unforeseen circumstances.
A players must play in at least one pool play game ​and on the signed team roster in order to play in the playoffs for that team.
Playoffs are determined based on the number of nets in the division. Directors reserve the right to do a non-seeded playoff bracket to expedite playoffs starting.
Playoffs for Upper 4s will have a Gold/Silver split if minimum of 8 teams.
Costume Contest
This is a costume contest for all teams. Dress is a common theme and get as extreme as you'd like. Throughout play pictures will me taken and best costume will receive a prize!

Important Note:
There will be No - Hard Cleated Shoes or Golf Spikes to try and gain an advantage. Remember: Even though the competition can get very escalated, many people are bare-footed and you could cause serious damage to someone's foot if you should accidentally step on someone's foot or ankle.
Put-in-Bay Lodging
Check these links to search for available lodging on the island and to discover all the island has to offer you: