Lakeview Beach Volleyball

Official Balls Used
Adult League Registration Information
Adult leagues will start on Thursday, May 30th.
Game times will be at 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 this summer to accommodate the number of teams and nets that we have. Playoffs will be Thursday, July 25th and Thursday, August 1st with no games on July 4th; which divisions get which date will be determined by the number of registered teams. Schedule will be made ahead of time. If there is a conflict, please attempt to find an alternate to play for you.
As we know, living in Ohio and playing on the lake can make for crazy weather. Game updates will be posted on the Lakeview Beach Volleyball Homepage in the blue box if made prior to 4:00. However, game cancellations can occur while we are setting up. You will receive a text message alert via "Remind" if the league is cancelled. Personal emails and text messages WILL NOT be sent.
Sign up for schedule and weather notifications by texting "@24abeach" to 81010 to receive up-to-date updates on play.
Teams may register online by submitting their team form. By pre-registering you ensure yourself a game on the first day as well as a quicker check in process. Please include all necessary information that is listed. Once registration is submitted, check back under League Roster to find your team name. Payment and Waiver Forms for players under 18 will need to be turned in on check-in day in full in order to play on Thursday, May 30th.
Registration will include a forfeit fee. If your team DOES NOT forfeit, you will receive your fee back the night of playoffs. A forfeit is considered when reaching out to cancel past 5pm on the Wednesdays before that day of play.
$120 a team for a doubles (2s) team ($100 for team with a $20 forfeit fee)
$200 a team for quads (4s) ($160 a team with $40 forfeit fee).
We accept Cash or Check (Made out to Kari Cooley) on first day of play. Venmo and Paypal options will be used sparingly due to changes and will be used in a case by case instance.
All players 17 or younger must have a waiver signed by their parents if playing in the adult league.
You will determine your division based on your level of play. Divisions this summer will be upper or lower. If a division does not have enough registered, you may be contacted to move divisions accordingly. League directors reserve the rights to combine levels if it is determined necessary.
Game Day
On the first day, teams will need to check in on the table on the East side of the beach. All teams will need to provide payment in full. Teams will then be assigned a net to play. Game times on the first day will be determined based on the number of teams signed up. An email will be sent out of start times as the date gets closer. Please arrive promptly on their first day to get play started as soon as possible.
After the first week, check-in is not necessary if you know what net your team is playing on. If you are unsure, you can always check at the table.
All 2s matches will play 3 games to 21, cap at 23 with rally scoring. All 4s matches will play 3 games to 25, cap at 27 with rally scoring. Players should call the score out after each sideout. After play of all three games, one representative of each team is required to report wins and loses to the table. Failure to report the results will result in an automatic 0-3. End of season brackets will be determined based on record and division.
Please be sure to warm-up prior to the start of your game.
First matches of the day will be asked to set up lines to their courts and the last matches will be asked to wind them up at the end of the night. If you are a 7:00 game and are aware that there is no game on your court after you, please wind up the lines as a help to us. Balls will not be provided for adult leagues so please bring your own.
A forfeit will be considered if you reach out the evening before play or day of play where it is difficult to reschedule the opposing team. Please exhaust all subbing options before choosing to forfeit.
It is summer time and we know that there are family vacations and other conflicts. If you are finding an alternate to play, awesome! If you know in advance that there will be a week where your team will not be able to play, please notify us as soon as possible so we can accomodate on the schedule and plan of a double header on a different day if possible.
If there are any questions or concerns about the league or registration please email the scheduler Kari Cooley at kari.l.cooley@gmail.com