Lakeview Beach Volleyball

Official Balls Used
Tournament Rules
General Rules & Policies (2s & 4s)
Ref- keep warm ups to 8 minutes. Game may be declared a forfeit after 10 min. if team not ready to start.
Touch on the Block constitutes first hit in doubles.
Only one attempt per serve.
No Open Hand Serve Reception in doubles Exception would be in Open/AA with clean contact
Double contact is permitted on first ball if hard driven.
Hands DO NOT need to be together for contact; providing there is no fingers, awkward spin (showing double) or catch throw
Pursuit Rule is not in effect at Lakeview (safety)
If players enter another court before or after playing their own ball, it is a fault.
No open hand over/across the net doubles and 4s divisions *Open Division exception
*Hand Sets Over: [Open/AA division only]. When the ball is intentionally set into the opponents court, the setters shoulders must be "Squared Up" or Perpendicular to the line of flight of the ball.
Note: If the ref deems an otherwise legal set was blown over the net by wind or by accident, it is not a fault & play continues. (ex. Ball is set to partner but wind carries it over, play continues; Ball is poorly set to partner and partner is there to make play but it is set over, play continues)
Ball choice- If teams can't agree, ref selects ball. Wilson Optx is the current default.
Switching- switch sides every 7 pts played for games to 21 & 25pts. Every 10pts if to 30pts
Errors- service order. If caught, correct. If missed for multiple points, continue with the "NEW" order.
Playoff teams are decided by I. Record, II. Head to Head, III. Point differential Head to Head, IV. Point differential overall and then V. Coin flip.
All Losing teams in playoffs must complete reffing duties before leaving.
Playoff Tiebreaker Rule AT 5:00 PM (to help prevent divisions from finishing in the dark). Teams tied for 2nd are responsible for returning clipboards to Staff which keeps official time.
5:00 P.M. Rule
Before 5:00 P.M. - Teams tied for second will have a one game playoff to advance.
After 5:00 P.M. - No tiebreakers will be played, First and Second place teams will be determined by Head to Head and Points if needed. (tournament directors discretion)
Coed 4s Rules of Play
1 female minimum to play. A legal team must have at least 2 players to play
No net contact is allowed- fault
No open hand sets or dinks over the net- fault
Teams must rotate servers, BUT DO NOT COURT POSITIONS
A block does NOT count as first contact.
Tournament Refund Policy
If the tournament is played and a team does not show for any reason, their entry fee will not be refunded.
Once pool play begins and the tournament is halted or cancelled because of weather, no refunds will be issued. However, a voucher will be emailed to be used as a discount on the next tournament's registration cost.
If the tournament starts and pool play completes but playoffs are not able to continue because of weather, see Weather on determining prizes.
Barring injury, no team is permitted to withdraw from the tournament until that team’s last game of pool play has been completed and in addition, that team’s refereeing responsibilities have been fulfilled.
If the Tournament is cancelled completely, because of weather, only half of each Team’s entry fee will be refunded due to tournament expenses.
Weather (Acts of God)
If weather prevents tournament from starting on time, the tournament will continue at first relief of weather conditions. If weather halts the tournament at any time, teams are to wait until weather passes or eases enough to continue play. Any team leaving during these delays and not back to play when it resumes, will be withdrawn from the tournament and no refund will be issued.
If weather prevents the completion of the tournament Net and Division winners, will be determined by: Pool play records, Head to Head, then by points. Playoffs will also be determined in the same manner. Prizes will be given to the top 2 teams; no cash prizes will be awarded.
Forfeit / Withdraw Policies
If a team is not ready to play within 15 minutes of previous match, a forfeit for that game will be issued. One point per minute will be assessed starting at 10 minutes up to 15 minutes. If a team chooses to leave or not to play any game for any reason(s), other then injury, that team will be withdrawn from tournament and all games against that team will be dropped.
Strategic Forfeit Rule: If a team forfeits the last game of pool play to gain any sort of an advantage to advance to the playoffs, that team will be withdrawn from playoffs (Tournament Directors Discretion).
If a team is withdrawn, if they have played at least 50% of their scheduled games, those games remain as part the pool play and the wins/losses count. Only the remaining games will be forfeited, but no points will not be calculated.
If a team is withdrawn, and completed less than 50% of the scheduled games, the completed games and points are dropped from pool record.
Parking & Beach Policies
Alcohol is prohibited in the park and on the beach premises. Auxiliary Police and Metropark Rangers have the right to search coolers and handle violators accordingly.
Parking prohibited in areas that are designated by signs. These areas are clearly marked. If the tournament parking is full, there is parking across the main roadway into the park.
Please do not park on the curbs entering or exiting the park unless marked for parking.
Parking is prohibited in the coned/flagged off areas designated for the tournament staff.
Life guards and Metropark Rangers have authority over tournament staff and players. Please notify staff members of any incidents or issues that may impede a lifeguard from doing their duty.
Any serious injury should be reported to a tournament director.
Please place all garbage in garbage cans, boxes or the bags provided for the courts and spectator areas.
Pets permitted in the park if leashed but are not permitted on the sand/beach.
Please control your conduct and language on the premises; this is a public park. Violators may be asked to leave.
Park closes at 11:00 p.m.
Note: Tournament Director(s) reserve the right to change Rules & Policies as deemed necessary or appropriate