Lakeview Beach Volleyball

Official Balls Used
Youth League Registration Information
2016 Dates:
First day of play for the 2016 season will be Tuesday, May 31st.
Play will be every Tuesday at either 6:00, 7:00 or 8:00.
All teams will make playoffs which will be Tuesday, July 26th starting at 5:30 for all ages.
Teams may register online by clicking the Sign Up button above AFTER May 1st. By pre-registering you ensure yourself a game on the first day as well as a quicker check in process. Please include all necessary information that is listed. Once registration is submitted, check back under League Roster to find your team name. Payment and Waiver Forms for every player will need to be turned in on the first day of play. Please arrive 30 minutes early on the first day of your timeslot to allow for a review of rules and to submit paperwork and payment.
$90 per triples team; no extra cost per alternative
$100 per quad team; no extra cost per alternative
Payments will need to be made on the first day of play.
Boy's teams are welcomed and encouraged!
In an effort to build the beach scene for not only the girls, we welcome boy's teams to the leagues this year! Depending on your experience, boy's teams may be asked to move up a division for competitive purposes. At this time we will not have co-ed teams.
All players 17 or younger must have a waiver signed by their parents.
18 and older sign the waiver for themselves.
Games will start Tuesday, June 7th. Game times will be at 6:00, 7:00, or 8:00. The league will run every Tuesday and Playoffs will be Tuesday July 26th. Some teams my have double-headers so please make sure you pay attention to the schedule. Schedule will be made ahead of time. If your team is unable to make it, please send a text message or email to Kari Cooley so she can tell the other team of the forfeit.
Captains Meeting
This year because registration is done online there will not be a separete date for the captain's meeting. We will be holding the rule review and payment/waiver collection 30 minutes before your play time on June 7th. At this time, a representative will need to submit payment and waiver forms for all team members. We will then review the beach rules and expectations for during play and after.
You will determine your division based on the grade you will be entering in the fall. The team must play in the division of the highest grade on the roster. Any alternates throughout the summer cannot be in a grade higher than the one entered. (Ex. Roster of 7th, 8th and 10th grader must play in the 10th grade division. If you would like to play up a division simply sign up for it in the registration form.
Junior High and High School divisions are triples (3 players): 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
Middle School divisions play quads (4 players): 6th and under
We ask that any girls that graduate this year to play in our Adult Leagues on Thursday Nights.
Game Day
On the first day, teams will need to check in at the table on the East side of the beach. All teams will need to provide payment in full and waiver forms. Teams will then be assigned a net to play.
Time slots on the first day will be designated to age groups. If your team is unable to come in the slot assigned, please be sure to email us and we can attempt to make arrangements. Some teams may be contacted to come at a different time due to pre-registration team numbers.
6th and Under, 7th and 9th grade divisions: 6:00 time slot; Captain's Meeting at 5:30
Depending on number of teams and nets available, some will be moved to the 7:00 time slot
8th and 10th grade divisions: 7:00 time slot; Captain's Meeting at 6:30
Depending on the number of teams and nets available, some teams will be asked to move to the 8:00 slot.
11th and 12th grade divisions: 8:00 time slot; Captain's Meeting at 7:30
After the first week, check-in is not necessary if you know what net your team is playing on. If you are unsure, you can always check at the table. Please check the schedule the day of play as last minute forfeits and net changes do happen.
Teams that play the 6:00 are required to set up lines for the net. Teams that play at 8:00 are required to wind up the lines at the conclusion of play. Teams will play 3 games to 25, win by 2 with rally scoring (Cap at 30). Players should call the score out after each sideout. If teams would like to switch sides due to the elements (sun/wind) at 10s, it needs to be declared at the start of the game. After play of all three games, one representative of each team is required to report wins and loses to the table. Failure to report the results will result in an automatic 0-3. End of season brackets will be determined based on record and division.
Parents are not to coach on the beach. Players are here to have fun and learn together. Parents who are coaching will be asked to move.
Prizes will be given out to the first and second place teams of each division.
Tshirts will be given to both the 1st and 2nd place teams. There will be a maximum of 4 shirts allotted per team no matter the size of the roster, 5 for the 6th and under division.
1st place will receive an additional prize (TBD). There will only be 3 allotted for the triples divisions and 4 for the 6th and under due to the extra expense and the uncertainty of winner.
As we know, living in Ohio and playing on the lake can make for crazy weather. Game updates will be posted on the Lakeview Beach Volleyball Homepage in the blue box if made prior to 4:00. However, game cancellations can occur while we are setting up. You will receive a text message alert via "Remind" if the league is cancelled. Personal emails and text messages WILL NOT be sent. Sign up for notifications by texting "@16ybeach" to 81010 to receive up-to-date updates on play.
It is summer time and we know that there are family vacations and other conflicts. If you are finding an alternate to play, they must turn in a waiver on the day they are playing if it is not already on file. If you know in advance that there will be a week where your team will not be able to play, please notify us as soon as possible so we can notify the other team of the forfeit.
If there are any questions or concerns about the league or registration please email the scheduler, Kari Cooley, at lakeviewbeachvolleyball@gmail.com