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Lakeview Youth Leagues 2018 is Complete!

A big thank you to everyone for making the 2018 Lakeview Youth Leagues a success this year! I can honestly say that this summer was a blast and it was a privilage to watch such good volleyball. I look forward to seeing many of your next summer.


Good luck with school and your sports teams this coming school year!


Kari Cooley

Lakeview Tournament Staff

Leagues 2019

Interested in playing in the Lakeview Beach leagues in 2019? Check back to this site May 1st for open registration. The leagues run every Tuesday through the month of June and July with game start times of 6:00, 7:00 or 8:00. The last week of July will be playoffs.


Need a reminder? Click here to be put onto our email reminder list for when registration opens.


The cost to play is $105 a team for 7th-12th grade triples ($90 for team with a $15 forfeit fee) and $120 a team for 6th grade quads ($100 for team with a $20 forfeit fee). You may play doubles, however the cost is per team, not person. If you do not forfeit day of the entire season, your forfeit fee will be returned to you!


We look forward to seeing you next summer!


Located in Lorain, OH on Lake Erie

1800 West Erie Avenue Lorain, Ohio 44052


The Put-in-Bay Battle will be played on the island of Put-in-Bay, OH

© 2014 by Lakeview Volleyball, LLC

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Tournament Directors

Jeff and Karen Yeager

6388 Brighten Dr.

North Olmsted OH 44070



Jeff: 440-667-6222 (text or call);


Karen: 440-667-6223;

League (Youth and Adult) Directors

Kari & Mason Cooley

681 South Lake St. 

South Amherst, OH 44001


Kari: 440-666-0072 (Texting Preferred); 


Mason: 419-606-0969;

Questions or Concerns?


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